Posted by: Kathy Temean | May 17, 2019

Agent of the Month – Agent of the Month – Adriann Ranta Zurhellen

I am happy to announce that Adriann Ranta Zurhellen at
Foundry Literary + Media is our Agent of the Month for May.

See bottom of post for submission guidelines.

Adriann Ranta Zurhellen is an agent at Foundry Literary + Media. She represents New York Times bestselling, award-winning authors, journalists, illustrators and graphic novelists, as well as many other pioneering creative thinkers and leaders in their fields. She is actively acquiring all genres for all age groups with a penchant for unusual voices, unique settings, and everyman stories told with a new spin. She loves gritty, realistic, true-to-life stories with conflicts based in the real world; women’s literary fiction and nonfiction; accessible, pop nonfiction in science, history, and craft; and smart, fresh, genre-bending works for children. She specializes in books about “cool women doing badass things.”

A magna cum laude graduate of the University of Arizona, Adriann’s first introduction to publishing was at The Editorial Department, a freelance editorial firm based in Tucson, AZ. After making the move to New York, Adriann spent two years at Anderson Literary Management and six years at Wolf Literary Services before moving to Foundry in 2015.

Adriann Ranta Zurhellen only accepts submissions by email. Please send all queries for Adriann to For more information on submitting your project, please see the Foundry Submissions page.

Fiction: Action/Adventure, Children’s, Crime, Family Saga, General, Graphic Novel, Historical, Literary, Middle Grade, Mystery, Picture Books, Women’s Fiction, Young Adult

Non-Fiction: Crafts/DIY, History, Humor, Illustrated, Journalism, Memoir, Pop Culture, Psychology, Science, True Crime

Favorite sub-genres: Contemporary YA, Domestic Suspense, Fantasy YA, Feminism, Literary Middle Grade, Psychological Thrillers, Speculative Fiction, diverse voices, narrative non-fiction, upmarket genre fiction


    • You mention that you represent illustrators. Do they have to write, also?

I only represent author/illustrators.

    • Must a writer who has written a graphic novel be an illustrator too to get you interested in representing that project?

For me, yes. It’s too hard for me to visualize without art.

    • I hear writers talk about low middle grade and high middle grade. Is that acceptable or should they just say middle grade and leave it up to you to decide?

Either route is fine with me.

    • Any tips on how an author can get you to ask to see more?

A polished, interesting query letter, and polished, interesting sample material! I love to receive pitches from authors who know the most saleable aspects of their book, who understand their audience, and know how to capture readers’ attention in a competitive field. I obviously love representing talented artists, but I also love representing savvy professionals who want to succeed.

    • How far do you normally read before you reject a submission?

If I get a query for a genre I don’t represent (academic nonfiction, say, or erotica) then I’ll pass right away. Sometimes I reach the end of the query letter and know it’s not for me (doesn’t pique my interest, in a genre I don’t know well, typos), and sometimes I read through the end of the sample material and don’t have the feeling that it must be mine. Every pitch is different!

    • Any pet peeves?

My name is routinely spelled wrong, and after 10+ years it’s finally getting under my skin!

    • Do you let people know if you are not interested?

I still do!


In the subject line, please write “MAY FIRST PAGE CRITIQUE”  Example: Paste the text in the email, plus attached it as a Word document to the email. Please make sure you include your name, the title of the piece, and whether it’s a picture book, middle grade, or young adult, etc. at the top on both the email and the Word document (Make sure you include your name with the title of your book, when you save the first page).

REMEMBER: ATTACH THE WORD DOCUMENT AND NOT GET ELIMINATED! Your First Page Word document should be formatted using one inch margins and 12 point New Times Roman font – double space – no more than 23 lines – only one page.

Send to: kathy(dot)temean(at)gmail(dot)com.

PLEASE FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES: Your submission will be passed over if you do not follow the directions for both the pasted email and the attached Word doc. This is where most people mess up.

DEADLINE: May 23rd.

RESULTS: May 31st.


Talk tomorrow,



  1. Thanks for another informative post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on ReBirth: The Pursuit of Porsha.


  3. Thanks for contacting me. I m very much interested. I shall stay in touch.


    Lynda Ukemenam

    On Thu, May 16, 2019, 9:06 PM Writing and Illustrating wrote:

    > Kathy Temean posted: “I am happy to announce that Adriann Ranta Zurhellen > at Foundry Literary + Media is our Agent of the Month for May. See bottom > of post for submission guidelines. Adriann Ranta Zurhellen is an agent at > Foundry Literary + Media. She represents New Yo” >


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