Posted by: Kathy Temean | June 6, 2017

Agent Alyssa Jennette Looking for Clients

I met Alyssa Jennette agent at Stonesong Literary this past weekend at the NJSCBWI CONFERENCE and thought everyone would like to read about her.

Alyssa Jennette joined Stonesong Literary in June 2015 after interning at Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency. She graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art with a BFA in Illustration. As a result, she has unique insight and expertise when it comes to design-heavy or illustrated works. Alyssa is a very editorial agent; she finds a lot of joy in shaping stories alongside the author and delights in building long-term partnerships.

Alyssa represents children’s and adult fiction and picture books, and has dabbled in humor and pop culture nonfiction. She is especially drawn to diverse voices, ensemble casts, and thorough world-building, plus any book with a format that is specific to the story and gives it its own context.

Alyssa Jennette joined Stonesong Literary in June 2015 after interning at Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency. She graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art with a BFA in Illustration. As a result, she has unique insight and expertise when it comes to design-heavy or illustrated works. Alyssa is a very editorial agent; she finds a lot of joy in shaping stories alongside the author and delights in building long-term partnerships.

Alyssa represents children’s and adult fiction and picture books, and has dabbled in humor and pop culture nonfiction. She is especially drawn to diverse voices, ensemble casts, and thorough world-building, plus any book with a format that is specific to the story and gives it its own context.

In children’s books/YA, she likes sophisticated middle grade, magical realism or urban fantasy, secret societies, and unreliable narrators. She would love a teen noir in the vein of the film Brick, or a Clueless-esque “teen movie” update of a classic story.

In adult fiction, she likes literary fiction full of wit and wordplay that may border on the absurd/surreal (bonus if it includes footnotes), smart psychological or supernatural Suspense/Mystery/Horror, or beautifully crafted historical fantasy in the vein of JONATHAN STRANGE & MR. NORRELL.

Fiction: Children’s, Commercial, Crime, Family Saga, Fantasy, General, Graphic Novel, Horror, Humor, LGBTQ, Literary, Middle Grade, Mystery, New Adult, Picture Books, Thriller, Young Adult
Non-Fiction: Humor, Pop Culture, True Crime

Alyssa is open to graphic novel submissions. She is not looking for historical fiction, romance, or women’s fiction.

How to Submit:

Send your query letter and the first ten pages pasted into the body of your email to; write “QUERY” and “Alyssa Jennette” in the subject line.

– Include the word “query” in the subject line of your email to ensure we receive it and it isn’t filtered as spam.

– Include the first chapter or first 10 pages of your work, pasted into the body of your email, so that we may get a sense of your writing. Please do not send attachments.

We also welcome queries from independent and self-published authors. If you have self-published your book and are interested in working with a publisher for future works, please include descriptions of published and forthcoming works, as well as information about sales and reviews.


One lucky person will win a query critique if they leave a comment, twitter, Facebook, or blog. Here is the link and an interview with Alyssa.

Talk tomorrow,





  2. I was at the NJSCBWI conference last weekend and heard you were there, but I don’t think we ran into each other. I had a chance to meet a lot of agents and editors, but not all of them. Thanks for sharing Alyssa Jennette’s bio here.


  3. Thanks for the opportunity to win. This was a very enlightening interview.


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