Posted by: Kathy Temean | January 1, 2013

2013 New Year Resolutions

You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are full of yesterdays junk. – Louise Smith


Well, it’s time to stop partying, get out of that bathtub and start laying out your plans to get rid of yesterday’s junk, so you can forge ahead for a successful 2013. My plans are below this delightful illustration by Louise C. Bergeron.


Here they are:

Read one hour everyday.

Complete the YA and Middle Grade book that are in the final draft.

Complete YA first Draft of book that I started and did not finish.

Complete new YA novel that is only one page.

Write 1000 Words Everyday (Will require shutting off the phone).

Spend one hour everyday sketching and trying out new illustration techniques.

Spend three hours six days a week conducting business – websites, critiquing, developing marketing plans for writers and illustrator clients.

Set-up another Writer’s Retreat. 2012’s event was such a great success.

Blog Everyday 

Walk one hour four times a week. I would like to say everyday, but I know exercise will take a back seat when life gets in the way.

Keep a food journal. I’m not going to say, I will count my calories and lose so much a week.  That always fails.

Spend one hour everyday on house chores.  Notice how far down on the list this is?

Have fun doing things above and try to find time to have fun with friends.

I will update you once in a while on how I’m making out and how long it takes to fall flat on my face.

What are your resolutions?

Talk tomorrow,



  1. I am hoping to finish editing a novel, start querying, and go wherever my writer journey takes me.

    And finish up college. Woo hoo!

    Good luck be to you with your New Years resolutions!


    • Naomi,

      All great resolutions! What type of novel have you written? Good luck!

      Happy New Year,



  2. Happy New Year, Kathy! And good luck with your resolutions. I haven’t written a list– can’t bear to– but I know what I need to do… maybe I should just resolve to find new ways of trying to do the same things I resolve to do every year. 🙂


    • Dana,

      I know it is so hard to create new habits. I’m hoping that this year will be the one where I can accomplish so of those goals. It’s so easy to let other thing get in the way and just drift. My word for the year – Focus! LOL, talk to me to see how bad I have stumbled in a month.

      Happy New Year,



  3. Happy new year Kathy. My goals are not terribly different. I vow to keep up the exercise I started in December, work harder to find an agent, spend 1 hour a day writing ( blogging, editing, free writing), and publish my next cookbook which will be all about ice creams. I wish you well in your goals.


    • Tracy,

      A cookbook! And about ice cream! Make sure you let me know when it gets published. We’ll let everyone know. Good luck!

      Happy New Year,



  4. Finish my mg novel, send out queries, get an agent, Maintain good health. Direct as much money as possble to paying down law school loans. Happy 2013!


    • Deb,

      All great things to strive to accomplish. Can’t believe that I didn’t include querying. Oh well, let’s see what I get done by mid-year, then I’ll revise (just like writing a novel). Good luck in 2013.

      Happy New Year,



  5. Great goals. I want to submit in 2013, plus I need to say thank you more. Thank you for this great blog. I read it almost every day, but rarely comment. Thanks for all you do.


    • Stacey,

      I can’t believe that I forgot to put something in about submitting. That’s important. Thanks for reminding me to do that.

      Hope we both have a great 2013 and I can blog about one of your successes.

      Happy New year,



  6. I have to LIMIT myself to one hour of reading per day, as I tend to get caught up in others’ stories, while mine just lingers in my mind. So, I want to finish the second book in my trilogy, maintain my house, be an attentive grandma to my soon-to-be six-year old granddaughter who lives with us, and be a diligent daughter to my 90-year-old mother who’s in a nursing home.


    • Sharon,

      I understand where you ar coming from. Life can throw a lot of things in our paths to keep us busy. Savor these last few years with your mother. Try to think of as many questions that you can to ask her. Everyday, I end up saying, “I wish my mother was here; she’s know the answer to that.” You are so lucky to have your little granddaughter living with you. Keep notes for later use in your books. I wish you much success in 2013 and hope you are able to finish your trilogy. Make sure you let me know.

      Happy New Year,



  7. I’m actively seeking freelance work, revision of my NaNo novel into an educational ms for submission and continuing my writing journey blog as well as writers circle events and meetings.
    Happy and ‘wordy’ New Year to you


    • Mandy,

      All great goals for 2013. Hope to hear from you when you accomplish your goals.

      Happy New Year,



  8. Happy New Year, dahlink! Among other things, I would like to see you this year 🙂 xxxNat


    • Nat,

      That would be great! I just have to get over whatever has gotten me sick. Hope everyone at your house is healthy.



  9. Happy New Year and I wish you all the best for 2013.


    • Pat,

      Thanks! Ditto!

      Happy New Year,



  10. Kathy, that’s a wonderful list! I have many of them on my list of “things to do” too, though I have many lists that I’ve compiled over the years. I’m not one to make resolutions according to the change of date, though—I am constantly working toward those resolutions whenever the time is right, regardless of the date. I’ve yet to truly succeed (as you know!), but I’m getting there (as you also know) slowly 🙂

    I’m considering trying to get to the conference this year, though I don’t think that will happen, but—ya neva know!

    Good luck with accomplishing these things. One thing’s for sure—you don’t get anywhere to begin with, without having the list first 😀


    • Donna,

      I was in bed all day, but managed to get up and sit at my computer for about four hours tonight. Of course, I couldn’t even get through the first day of the year getting all my resolutions done. I got about half done. I bought that new car and haven’t been able to drive it yet.

      Happy New Year,



  11. A very Happy New Year to you, my friend. I hope you feel better soon. I’m inspired by your 2013 goals. Of course, I’m in on the retreat but hope to see you way before that.


    • Barb,

      I was able to stay out of bed for six hours this evening. I hope that is a sign that I am going in the right direction, but it seems like I will get a few hours one day and then feel so terrible the next that I sleep all day. I am breathing better, but still hacking and chocking. The first day of resolutions and I didn’t get all of them done.

      Happy New Year,



  12. Happy 2013, Kathy!
    All the best!


    • Marina,

      Hope you try your hand at illustrating children, etc., so you can open yourself up for more freelance projects.

      Happy New Year,



  13. Kathy, your list exhausted me! Good luck with it all. You’re on the right path. For me, another round of submissions, and staying optimistic. A happy new year full of creative words to all!


    • Mary Mary,

      Little did I know when I wrote that, I would get sick and start the first day out lucky to get half of it done. Managed to get out today to get my tags for my new car. I bought it in the middle of December (a couple of days before I got sick) and this was only the second time I drove the car. I’m not sure I will even get half done today. I did not think I would be so far behind already. Are you over what you had? Hope so.

      Happy New Year,



  14. may you make dents in all that Kathy…. resolutions are good to focus, refocus, and strive, but yes, we can’t let the junk of past ones get us down! it’s all about the one step after another….we DO get there! 😉 hugs,


    • Chris,

      I wrote that list before I got sick. I only got half done on the 1st, but that is more than I was able to do for over two weeks. It seems like whatever it is, it has spread around in New Jersey. How’s Virginia making out? Hope it skipped your state.

      Happy New Year,



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