Posted by: Kathy Temean | June 28, 2018

Limited Time: Scholarship – Avalon Writer’s Retreat New Opportunity – Call for Illustrators

I have a spot (PB, MG, or YA) available for someone who would like to come AVALON FULL MANUSCRIPT RETREAT – Sept. 27th, 29th or 29th for the day to get a critique with our agent or editor for a lower price. ( Please contact me to discuss.

CALL FOR ILLUSTRATORS: Art Director Andrea Miller at HMH or Dr. Mira Reisberg at Clearfork/Spork could critique your submission on Illustrator Sunday. It starts on July 8th for seven Sundays in a row. This is a limited opportunity to get your work seen by an art director. Illustrators should send in 2 or 3 consecutive illustrations that could be used in a picture book to kathy.temean(at) Please put July/Aug Illustrator Sunday in the subject line, put illustrations in the body of the email and include a picture of yourself and your bio. All .jpgs need to be 500 pixels wide. The sooner you submit, the more chances you will have to be chosen.

Scholarship opportunity available until July 4th for CRAFT AND BUSINESS OF ILLUSTRATING CHILDREN’S BOOKS (See yesterday’s post:

Racism has always been around as anyone Jewish or of color will tell you. But the shift to the right has enabled this ugliness to rear it’s head with more heart-breaking, mean-spiritedness and cruelty, even among people you may know and love. I was raised to fight racism and this is a big part of why we give away tens of thousands of scholarships for our courses. And while we give away scholarships to a wide-range of people, if you know anyone of color who would like to either learn how to illustrate kid’s books or wish to improve their skills and chances of publication, please share this post. Our students are doing brilliantly in terms of getting published and building careers and I truly believe that having more kids books by and about people of color will help change ugly racist attitudes and help make a better world. Applications are ending soon on July 5th! Please help spread the word with this link PS This course is co-taught by two acquiring art-directors with many other traditional publishing submission opportunities and is known to have changed people’s lives in the best possible way! Here’s the link for the course to get a sense of how comprehensive it is.

Talk tomorrow,


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