Posted by: Kathy Temean | August 10, 2016

Agent Opportunity

Associate Agent Kristy Hunter at the Knight Agency

kristy hunter agentKristy Hunter joined The Knight Agency in April 2014. With a degree in Women & Gender Studies and English Literature from Vanderbilt University, Kristy moved to New York City immediately after graduation to try her hand at publishing. She completed the Columbia Publishing Course and worked in the city for several years—first at Grove/Atlantic and then at Random House Children’s Books—before deciding it was time to make the move back down south. She now takes advantage of her new surroundings by being outside as much as possible with her French bulldog, Gummi.

Kristy is currently accepting submissions from a wide variety of genres, including women’s fiction, mystery, historical romance, romance, young adult, and middle grade. Having spent significant time in the south and New York City, she particularly likes books set in these regions. She also enjoys books that feature horses, boarding schools, sisters, and sororities—to name just a few.

Her favorite books include: THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett, RULES OF CIVILITY by Amor Towles, THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE by Audrey Niffenegger, THE HUSBAND’S SECRET by Liane Moriarty, I’LL GIVE YOU THE SUN by Jandy Nelson, ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins, and WONDER by R.J. Palacio.

Twitter: @KristySHunter

How to Submit: The Knight Agency accepts only emailed queries. All queries should be sent to Your submission should include a one page query letter and the first five pages of your manuscript.  All text must be contained in the body of your email. Attachments will not be opened nor included in the consideration of your work. Queries must be addressed to a specific agent. Please do not query multiple agents. To determine which member of our team would be most appropriate for your project, visit the “About Us” page. All queries will be reviewed on an individual basis by the submissions coordinator and relevant agents. Only a small minority of queries will meet the requirements of the openings in this agency’s list.

Talk tomorrow,


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