Posted by: Kathy Temean | September 16, 2014

Kidlit Online Novel Writing Class

Crafting the Kidlit Novel ​- Four Week Online Class

starts October 6, 2014

kamicroppedOne Bite at a Time: How Writing a Novel is Like Eating a T-Rex and Other Things That Bite Back 

With Children’s Authors

Kami Kinard and Rebecca Petruck

The idea of writing an entire novel can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be when you learn how to move in stages. Children’s authors Kami Kinard and Rebecca Petruck break down the elements of solid novel writing, beginning with the hook and on through pitch, character development, plot structure, and practical tools for writing through to the end. Though the focus will be on middle grade and young adult writing, the tools are useful for anyone who wants to complete a publishable work.

rebeccaNaNoWriMos! This class will organize your approach so you launch into November with a plan that will result in a novel-like construction and not simply 50,000 words.

Bonus Critique: Register before September 20, 2014 and receive a free five-page critique and 20-minute Skype session with Kami Kinard, redeemable within six months of the course’s completion.

In addition, you will be entered to receive a free written critique of the first chapter of your novel (up to 5 pages) from Agent Rachael Orr of Prospect Agency. 

You have the option of registering for the four-week class for $250 or the class PLUS a 25 page critique with a 60 minute telephone or Skype conversation for $350.

Click this link to register and read more:

Talk tomorrow,



  1. Sounds like it might be a great opportunity. Right now my life is all over the place. Our baby went to college, my husband got a job six hours away, our basement flooded…..and I have to get the house ready to go on the market. Once life settles down I’ll look into doing a class. 🙂


  2. So I am not the only one where life gets in the way of what you want to do.

    Sounds like you really have your hands full. Good luck with juggling all of it. Hope nothing else is dumped on you. Enough, enough.



  3. ANYthing Kami does is amazing. No kidding! 😀


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