Posted by: Kathy Temean | January 8, 2013

Mid-Career Writers Novel Competietion

The Dzanc Novel Award for Mid-Career Writers

In an effort to further support writers in mid-career, Dzanc Books announces the launch of our Dzanc Novel Award designed to advance the publishing career of an established author. While at times it seems the publishing industry is only interested in the next big thing, we at Dzanc recognize the value of experienced writers who have gone through the process of creating and publishing two or more books. Mid-career writers are the backbone of our industry yet often these writers are overlooked and have a harder time finding a publisher than first time writers. In response, we at Dzanc have created this prize to honor those writers who have stayed the course and learned a thing or three over the years.

We are looking specifically for a writer with at least two full-length previously published books, either novels, short story collections, and/or non-fiction.

  • Entry to our novel prize involves sending a copy of your full manuscript, a cover letter detailing your previously published full-length books, as well as a $25 entry fee.
  • Entries by writers who have not yet published at least two full-length books will not be considered.
  • The deadline is January 31, 2013.
  • Every person that submits will receive a complimentary eBook from Dzanc (selected from one of the titles that has been a monthly selection in our eBooks Club) within 24 hours of submitting their manuscript. Those submitting prior to October 31, 2012 will save $5 by only paying a $20 entry fee.

There will be a winner selected, guaranteed, and this book will receive our standard publishing contract to be published both in print and as an eBook in November 2014, including a $1000 advance and promotional efforts such as arranging a book tour.

To submit, first pay your $25 ($20 if prior to October 31, 2012) entry fee using the paypal button below, then send your cover letter and full manuscript (in .DOC, .DOCX, or .RTF format) to (Entries received without an entry fee or a cover letter containing details of your previous books cannot be considered.)

Enter Here

Email submissions are strongly preferred, but if you need to submit by postal mail, please send all of the above (plus a check for $25 made out to Dzanc Books) to Steven Gillis, at 5220 Dexter, Ann Arbor, MI 48103.

Talk tomorrow,


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