Posted by: Kathy Temean | February 27, 2012

Update, Openings, and Changes

Here’s some good news to make your heart flutter! 

February Illustration by Nina Mata

There were two workshops at the New Jersey SCBWI June Conference that filled up very quickly – Plotting and Producing Freebies to Market Your Book and Reading as a Writer.  I know there were a few disappointed people, so today both  have greed to open their dors by adding a few more spots.  So if you are already registered and were someone who was disapponted, now is your chance to go back in and snag a space.

People taking Author Charlotte Bennardo & Author Natalie Zaman’s Plotting and Producing Freebies to Market Your Book workshop should send a hard or electronic copy of their manuscript–here’s the description of the workshop New Maximum: 14 Writers & Illustrators, All Genres, Advanced, Published, Under Contract or Self Published

The publishing industry is changing; authors are now largely responsible to market their own books. Nat and Char will show you how to plan and  create your own marketing materials to promote your book. There is a max of ten people for this workshop so that we can discuss each  participant’s book. Participants will need to submit a partial or full  electronic copy of their manuscript and/or an ARC and/or cover art if  available to by May 10th.  (This is a lot of work that Natalie and Charlotte have agreed to do, so if you can send in what they need now, it would pay off for everyone attending.)

Reading as a Writer – Ann DeForest New Max 25 Writers, All Types, All Levels

All writers begin as readers. The books we loved as kids first opened us to language’s power and enticed us to create our own worlds with words. Reading can still guide and inspire us today. This hands-on workshop will transform your reading from pastime into fruitful apprenticeship. Stuck on dialogue? Having trouble choreographing a battle scene? Dissatisfied with your denouement? Turn to the experts all around you: the books that line your shelves at home or the local library. This workshop will address practical matters like incorporating reading into your writing schedule and setting up a reader’s notebook. We’ll also discuss “imitation,” “annotation,” and other methods of active, engaged reading that will sharpen your writing skills. Participants will have time to solve a particular craft problem (e.g. dialogue, conflict, beginnings) using favorite books as models. Please bring a blank notebook, a work-in-progress, and a book you love.

Two other Changes:

We have opened up two 15 minute time slots on Sunday for Lionel Bender and Eileen Robinson for anyone wanting to recevieve a 15 minute one-on-critique.  This will will lower the price to $65 for those spots – The times are 12:15pm – 12:30 and 12:35 – 12:50pm.

If you want to register or just find more info; here is the link:

Deadline for “Early Bird” pricing is Midnight March 1st

Talk tomorrow,



  1. ALL good news 🙂


  2. Oooohhhhh……How do we get one of those spots for the “Plotting and Producing Freebies”?! Sounds amazing!



    • Tiffany, go back into your registration. They’re doing them in Workshops 4 and 8 🙂


      • Hi Donna,

        Thanks! Haha- turns out I was already registered for it. I knew it sounded amazing!!



      • Ooooh, funny! lol Sounds like me!


  3. fun illustration! NIna Mata is a new CATugeau LLC agency artist I’m happy and proud to report! nice choice….


    • Chris,

      I didn’t even realize you represented Nina. I just e-mailed her to ask if she wanted to be featured on Illustrator’s Saturday. Hope she says, “Yes.”



      • I know I’d love to see her work on your blog, Kathy 🙂 The one above reminds me of a “Shrek”-type situation!


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