Posted by: Kathy Temean | February 23, 2012

Agents for Picture Book Writers

I am sure if you are writing picture books, you can sometimes feel like you are fighting an uphill battle.  With the additional illustration costs plopped on top of publishing a high quality picture book, many publishers have cut back on the amount of picture books they are bringing to market.  During this time, publishers have looked for ways to reduce costs in order to keep producing picture books and  have turned to asking for author/illustrator picture books.  This has been a win-fall for our illustrators, but could make a picture book  “author only” feel like they have been left out in the cold trying to find a friendly door to knock on. 

My own anecdotal view is that things are getting better for the picture book market.  I am seeing more contracts being signed and more picture books coming to market.  This means more agents are starting to represent picture book authors. 

Plus, everyone is looking for new ways to present picture books.  Traci Williams-NG is coming in for our June conference and for only $45 will meet for a personal one-on-one consultation with individual picture book writers to discusss how interactive Storybooks might be another avenue for you.

Here are some agencies accepting “author only” picture books:

Andrea Brown Literary Agency – Jennifer Mattson

Bookstop Literary – Kendra Marcus

Curtis Brown, Ltd – Ginger Clarke

Eden Street Literary

Hen & Ink Literary Studio – Erzsi Deak

Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency – Stephen Fraser

Marsal Lyon Literary Agency – Kathleen Rushall

Erin Murphy Literary Agency – Ammi-Joan Paquette

Rodeen Literary Management – Paul Rodeen

Scott Treimel Literary Agency – Scott Treimel and John Cusick

Sheldon Fogelman Agency – Sean McCarthy

Stimola Literary Studio – Rosemary Stimola

The Bent Agency – Susan Hawk

The Unter Agency – Jennifer Unter

Talk tomorrow,



  1. At first it sounds like the door is closing on authors for picture books, but then I see the list of agencies is quite a hefty one with some really great agents involved 🙂

    P.S. I really hope your pain killers are not just making you sleep, but giving you restful sleep 🙂


    • Donna,

      There you are. I am sorry that I have been so out of touch. Can’t seem to adjust the pain medicines. I am either in pain or totally out of it. PT came today and she pushed on my knee so much that the pain meds did not help at all. It’s been four hours and my knee is just starting to calm down. You can call me if you need anything. Thanks for taking care of the e-mails.



  2. Wonderful list – thank you Kathy!


    • Cathy,

      Hope it helps open a door for you.



  3. Wow, Kathy, you are making this a lot easier. Thanks so much for sharing your information.


    • Kristen,

      You’re Welcome. I was over at your website today and was about to leave you a comment, when the Physicial Therapist showed up. She left me in so much pain, I am just trying to get back to doing things. Do you homeschool? I agree parents with a little thought, parents can make a trip to the grocery store and outing. Sounds like you had a fun learning experience at the country florist.



      • Kathy, I’m a wannabe homeschooler. I homeschool after school with field trips, museum visits, science experiments and the like. I wish I had the fortitude to homeschool and many of my friends do. But then I wouldn’t have time to write.


  4. Great list Kathy. Know many of the agencies, but not all.


    • Patricia,

      Thanks, it is easy to forget that a year ago the list was much shorter.



  5. Thank you for publishing this list!


    • Darshana,

      My pleasure! Hope it helps in some small way.



  6. Your list of picture book agents makes this picture book author feel so much better. Thanks, Kathy!


    • Alayne,

      It should. The market is in flux, but I think it is providing more opportunities, not less.

      Good luck,



  7. Thanks for sharing the info! I wish there were more Canadian agents accepting picture book authors or just more Canadian agents in general…I don’t know if American ones accept Canadian authors, I guess I can look into that. Anybody know?


    • Jackie,

      I not an expert on the Canadian Market, but my impression is the US market is open to all writers, but the Canadian Market is mostly closed to anyone outside Canada. I know lots of Canadian writers who are represented by US agents. So that is a good thing for you.



  8. Another great post!


    • Christine,

      It has taken me so long to reply, you probably will not remember that you even left a comment.

      Just want to say “Thanks.”



  9. Great list for author only writers! Thanks!


    • Tina,

      Glad you like it. Make sure you let other picture book writers know.



  10. Just received yet another rejection letter. Thank you for the boost in my writing moral. I will take my manuscript out of my virtual pouting garbage and get back on it today!


    • Jennifer,

      It’s nice to know the post gave you a boost. I once through a three page rejection letter across my kitchen and it laid there for over month, until someone reminded me that it had to have some merit if the publisher wrote me a three page letter about the story. The only times rejection is not hard is when you are not submitting and if you don’t submit you can never get anywhere.




      • Wow, Kathy, a THREE-page rejection? That really IS quite a compliment!


  11. Thank you for sharing this information. This should be of great assistance to the authors writing these books!


    • NY Printer,

      Thanks for leaving a comment. Do you get time to write?



  12. Always check out agents at Writer Beware before submitting. You can find “Writer Beware” connect on my blogroll. Good luck to us all. Thank you Kathy. I quit my physicial therapy after surgery on my broken arm for it was doing more damage than good.


    • Mary,

      I tell you, I feel like doing the same thing. After she got done with me, it hurt worse than the first day after surgery. I ended up taking two pain pills (that is what they say I can take, but I hate how they make me feel) to try an get some relief. Unfortunately, it has left me unable to get my head off my pillow today. When I try I get up, I get vertigo and throw up. The therapist is returning today, but I am not letting her touch me.



      • Kathy, I stayed away from pain pills – I took nothing, for my son warned me for he had awful side-effects from them. I can’t wait until you shout you are painless
        and healing. I am still healing and more each day. I broke it May 10, 2011. I am thankful.


  13. Mary,

    Well, the doctor’s office called and yelled at me that I am supposed to be in pain after they work on you. That I am supposed to dose up before they come and I should expect a day of rolling around pain afterwards. I’m supposed to be worse after they finish and you are supposed to be crying from the pain. They are calling in nausea medicine for me. I find it hard to believe that you should go back to day one, each time you have therapy.



    • I know you must expect SOME measure of pain with something like this, but this doesn’t sound quite right to me. It’s a “pill” I’m finding hard to swallow. What kind of therapy? What is she making you do? What is she doing to you?


    • Kathy, they told me the same thing. I thought I know my body better than them, so I did what I thought was best. I feel much better.


  14. Great post Kathy. I’m putting the link on my blog post. Hope you are feeling better soon! Jeannine


    • Jeannine,

      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I haven’t been my old perky self. I think the medicine is slowing me down. I guess you saw that I made the changes to your website, before I went in the hospital. Any chance you will be able to come to the June conference? It would be nice to see you again.



  15. Thank you! I hope that your instinct is correct.


    • Sandi,

      Thanks for leaving a comment. I hope so, because I really do think the picture book market is on the rise.



  16. Wonderful post and generous list! Thank you! Can’t believe you conjured it whilst dealing with your pain!

    And good grief, I agree with the others. Listen to your gut about what’s right for your body. Get a second opinion about the best plan for you, and remember: you’re just one of many patients for each of these people who suggest you basically suck it up and do what they’re telling you to do, you only have one body to work with. Your ‘investment’ in this course of action — and the consequences of it — are far greater for you than they are for them. It makes sense that you’d be second-guessing their advice. Sending good vibes to you that you find the right support and that healing comes quickly!


    • Jennifer,

      Thanks for sending me a comment. I was too messed up to answer right away. Actually, I remember laying here in bed with my laptop, thinking I would answer some of the comments and it took me four hours to write one sentence. I kept falling asleep and then when I would look at couple of words I wrote, they were spelled all wrong. I finally gave up.

      Talk soon,



  17. Thank you! I am bookmarking this post!


    • Lauren,

      Thank you for stopping by.



  18. Hi Kathy,
    Thanks for this post. Sorry to hear about your recovery problems. I’ve been thinking about you. Hope things are getting much better.


  19. Liz,

    How have you been doing? Haven’t heard from you for a while. I am going to therapy three times a week and they are trying not to hurt me. I was doing better last week and tried to walk down the stairs using both my legs and fell. That set me back. Still in pain from that lapse in judgement. They say I am doing good with what I can do so far.

    Hope to see you in the near future,



  20. Hi Kathy,
    Sorry to hear about your fall. Be careful! You don’t live so far away, so if there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I’m still writing as much as I can. Actually have something I like a little and am hoping there will be an intensive in the future to get the bugs out of the manuscript. Can’t believe you are finding the time to answer your post comments. I’m amazed. Hang in there. And let me know if you need anything. Don’t mind doing food shopping, etc. Take care,
    ps Send a note to my email if you need anything…


  21. I am so ready for an agent and often discouraged at the difficulty of finding one as an author of picture books…even as a published author! So when I just googled “agents of picture books” and your post came up, I was thrilled. Thanks for this valuable list.


    • Carol,

      I know it can be discouraging, so I am glad you found this helpful.



  22. Great post. Extremely helpful!
    Many thanks.


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