Posted by: Kathy Temean | October 17, 2011

No Fee Pitch Contest

$150 Cash For the Best Book Pitch

Have a book you are working on or even an idea for a book? If so, you’ll eventually have to put together a book pitch. A book pitch is a teaser of the book that you’ll use to sell the story to agents, publishers, or readers. To help you craft the best pitch and provide a bit of pitch inspiration, we’re holding a book pitch contest.

Post your pitch on TheNextBigWriter, get feedback on it from other writers, and see if it gets noticed. Not only will you get feedback from other authors on how compelling the pitch is, but the best pitch will win $150.

The pitch should include:

  • A pitch sentence. A brief sentence that describes your book.
    Imagine if someone asks you what your book is about. What would you tell them in one sentence?
  • A query letter to an agent or publisher that explains why they should be interested in your book.
  • Any other information you think is relevant.

Deadline: 11:59 PM ET on November 4, 2011

  • Winner will receive $150.
  • Receive feedback on every pitch you submit.
  • Meet other authors, get motivated, and get noticed.

Learn more about the Best Book Pitch Contest

Here is something everyone can enter.  It’s free and might help you improve your pitch, plus, maybe even win some money.  Good luck!

Talk Tomorrow,



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    • Stan,

      Thanks! Are you from London?



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