Posted by: Kathy Temean | July 11, 2011

Good News Report

Lots of good things happening for SCBWI Members. I just found out that Betsy Devany’s picture book manuscript, Norman and Rose, won the hearts of the prestigious judges enough to take the runner-up place for the 2011 Barbara Karlin SCBWI Grant. Betsy is not from New Jersey, but she might as well be. She attends all our events and has volunteered her time to help out the New Jersey Chapter.  You may have met Betsy or remember her, since she frequently travels with Norman the Gorilla.  He is her inspiration, at least for this book award.

Nanci Steveson and Betsy both won a grant from the Highlights Foundation to attend their awesome week in Chautauqua, NY next week.  I am sure they will have a great time and share their experiences with us when they get back.

We have so many talented people in our midst.  Did you know that some of our members are also noted musicians?  Did you know that we have a actress in our group? 

Well, if you can get into New York City the last weekend in July you can see our own Kelly Calabrese as a hot momma in “Sex In Mommyville.” 

There are Three performances:  July 27 @ 9pm; July 29 @ 9pm; July 31 @ 3pm.  I’m desparately trying to find a way to work it into my schedule.
Tickets $20 / RSVP @ 646-329-6588
Manhattan Repertory Theatre Summerfest 2011

Then we have Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman who came out to one of the first Mentoring Workshops I had as Regional Advisor.  They immediately became friends and developed a close enough relationship to co-author a book together.  They worked hard on their craft and it paid off.  If you live close enough stop out to their book launch event being held this week, I know they would appreciate you dropping by.   Remember we are all in this together, so if you can support them by showing up, I am sure you will not be sorry you did.  When your time comes along, we will be there for you.

Let me know your successes. We love to bathe in the light of success.

Talk tomorrow,



  1. Congrats and well wishes to EVERYone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀


  2. Thanks again, Donna, and thank you, Kathy, for all your support and encouragement. I am proud to be a member of New Jersey SCBWI!!


  3. That’s great news for all of my NJSCBWI friends — so happy for everyone! Congrats, Betsy (and Norman!). Nanci and Betsy: you will LOVE Chautauqua, can’t wait to hear all about your week there once you return. Kelly, how exciting — break a leg!!! Char & Nat, I’m having so much fun reading my autographed copy of SIRENZ — you guys rock!
    Way to go everyone!!!!!!!!


  4. Thanks Kathy, Donna, Connie, etc.! It never occurred to me to try for a scholarship to a writers workshop like Chautauqua, but because I am an avid reader of this blog, I found out about the Highlight’s Foundation Scholarships. Thanks for helping all of us along, Kathy. You really do make a difference. 🙂


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