Posted by: Kathy Temean | January 24, 2011

Making A Book Trailer

This year I will be teaching a workshop on Making a Book Trailer.  I wanted to share with you two excellent examples of book trailers that work.  They both use the beautiful artwork from their book and the sounds (music and voice) add the icing on the cake.  Both trailers make you want to run out and buy the books, which is the mark of an excellent video.  I don’t think either Dan or Audrey made their own trailer, but you can learn to create something just as nice to promote yourself and book.

Audrey Vernick will be at this year’s NJSCBWI conference and Dan Yaccarino is scheduled for 2012.

Don’s book is available on March 8th.  You can always buy it now and have him sign it next year at the conference.

I will spare you the trailers I have seen that don’t come close to selling a book.  Better to not use a book trailer, if it will make potential buyers run for the hills.

Talk tomorrow,



  1. Well, I’M signing up for your workshop, Kathy 🙂


    • Donna,

      Good, it’s nice to know at least I’ll have one person in my class.



  2. Aw, thanks, Kathy. If I *had* created my own trailer, it would be the kind that would send folks running for the hills. The trailer for She Loved Baseball was created by the fabulous Kirsten Cappy at Curious City.


    • Audrey,

      I met two people at NYC SCBWI Conference who said they bought your book after seeing the book trailer on my blog. I also ran into one of our New Jersey members who just loves your book, IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTNER? That’s always nice to hear.



  3. You are right. I want to run out and buy both books. They are really well done. Thanks for sharing.


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