Posted by: Kathy Temean | September 15, 2012

Illustrator Saturday – Josée Bisaillon

Josée Bisaillon was born in 1982 in St-Hyacinthe, Canada. Little girl, she loved to draw cats and houses. She also cut out everything made of paper she could find around her.

After studies in computer graphics, she obtained a bachelor’s dregree in graphic design in 2005. This is where she fell in love with illustration.

Josée won many awards such as Applied Arts, LUX, American Illustration and Society of Illustrator. She was also shortlisted for the Governor General’s Literary Awards in 2008 and 2010.

Josée lives in a nice little house in the suburbs of Montreal with her husband and their three charming children. She still loves drawing cats and cutting out everything made of paper she can find.

Josée and her process:   Here’s an illustration from my latest Planète Rebelle picture book, to be published in Fall 2012.

This picture book will be a little bit unusual, since I only used a bit of Photoshop, and a lot of paper and glue ! Josée Bisaillon-pure Style !

Here’s how I made those 3 little pigs…hope you’ll enjoy !

Josée illustrations are a mix of collage, drawing, and digital montage.

It is always so much fun when I one of the illustrators has illustrated a picture book written by someone I know and I can highlight their book at the same time that I am showing off the illustrations. Josée illustrated Jersey Girl Meg Wiviott’s book, BENNO AND THE NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS.  Above is the cover and below some interior art.

Selected as one of School Library Journal’s Best Books 2010: Picture Books.
Winner of Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards’ Gold Medal for Multi-cultural Picture Book.
CCBC’s 2011 Best Choice List
Winner of Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award for Multicultural Picture Book by the Gelett Burgess Center for Creative Expression.

Another visitor of this blog is author and poet Laura Purdie Salas. Actually this is how I discovered Josée by clicking on Laura’s Gravatar and visiting her site. Thought the book looked interesting and visited Josée’ site and discovered all her wonderful work.

Bookspeak has been honored with the Minnesota Book Award; NCTE Notable; Bank Street Best Books; Librarians’ Choice; Honor Book – Gelett Burgess Center for Creative Expression; White Ravens book; and Nerdy Book Award.

Here is the link to watch the book trailer. I thought it was really creative.

On the cover of the Emperor’s Second Hand Clothes, there is a sticker that says, “Finalist the Governors Generals Literary Award.” Could you tell us about that award.

Of course ! It’s one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) award in Canada. Each year, the Governor General’s Literary Award honour the best in Canadian literature, in many categories. For each category, there are 5 finalists. The winner receive $25 000, and the finalists receive $ 1000. As you said, I was finalist for The Emperor’s in 2008, and for ‘’Le Funambule’’ in 2010. Hopefully I’ll have another chance in the years to come !

Your website says you got interested in illustration after studyingcomputer graphics and obtaining a bachelor’s degree in graphic design in 2005.  Where you doing traditional art before that time?

After High school, I just decided I wanted to be a graphic designer, and I wasn’t really considering illustration. I loved to draw, but it wasn’t an option for me, since I didn’t realize at that time that it could be a real job !  I did 3 years in college (called CEGEP here in Québec) in computer graphics, and since I still didn’t know what I wanted to do (And I really liked going to school !) I decided to study graphic design in university. It’s not before the end of my first year there (from a program of 3 years) that I discovered illustration. I had an amazing teacher (Michelle Lemieux) encouraging me to continue exploring in illustration. In my 2rd year, I took illustration as an option and I met another mentor for me, Pol Turgeon. Then I realized I could consider being an illustrator. I did a lot of exploration before finding my style. I tried everything: oil, water color, pencil…everything that you can think of !

One of your picture books has Chinese characters.  How did that project come your way?

Yes, those books are in Korean ! I did a couple of them now ( I think 6…2 of them are not published yet)
I just received an e-mail one day asking me if I was available to do a picture book for a Korean publisher, and that was it ! As simple as that ! I really love working with them ! I work for several publishers, but it’s always the same person who hire me.

Another one is in French. Did that opportunity present itself because you live in Canada?

Well, I live in Quebec, and as you may know Quebec is a French speaking province. I’m French Canadian, So yes, I have the opportunity to work in both languages. I had to learn English basically on my own, because we learn English at school, but we don’t practice it a lot, and I come from a small town where nobody speaks English, so it was even more difficult to practice when I was young…

And by the way, when I work with a Korean publisher, I receive the text in English, they translate it for me !! Lots of children ask me if I speak Korean, so…

What school did you attend?

I did my college in Computer graphics at Collège Ahuntsic in Montreal, and my bachelor’s degree in graphic design at Université du Québec a Montréal.

Can you give us a flavor for what type of things you learn in college?

I learn many things! First in CEGEP, how to use all those complicated software (yes, you know: Illustrator, Photoshop, In Design, Quark Xpress) I learned to be curious about what others do, I learned to explore, to try and try, to persevere, to not be discouraged by what others think about what I do ( I still have to work on that one, though…)

What was the first book that you illustrated?

The first book I finished illustrating was ‘’ Le vampire qui aimait le lait’’ (The Vampire who drank milk), but the first to be published was The Emperor’s Second Hand Clothes (one month before The Vampire).

How many picture books have you illustrated?

I don’t count anymore !! Around 15.

What is your favorite book that you have illustrated?

Le Funambule, un conte sur Marc Chagall (The thighrope walker, a story about Marc Chagall) This one is only available in French, for the moment.

How many of your picture books have been in English?

About 8 or 9. Some of the are translated from French to English, and I have a Korean book in English, too

Have you always used collage in you illustrations?

Yes. My biggest influence surely is Wolf Erlbruch.

What other materials do you like to work with?

I use pretty much everything that I can find. Watercolor, ink, pencils, crayons, pastels, fabrics…

Do you use Photoshop when doing an illustration?

Yes. I use Photoshop with almost all of my illustrations. I like to have the possibility to chance colors, to play with the elements on the page. I like the fact that I can try a lot, and if it’s not ok, then I didn’t lose anything !

Do you own and use a graphic tablet?  If so, when and how?

No, but I think I should. Or at least I should try !

After reading all the awards you have received since 2005, it looks like you were immediately successful. How did you get so much work, so quickly?

Well, I don’t know how it happened ! After school, I just began sending my portfolio to clients. I had my first book assignment about 6 months after finishing school (It was ‘’The Vampire who drank milk’’ at Les editions Les 400 coups). I worked for several small magazines, then came The Globe & Mail…after a while, I considered that maybe it was the time to contact some rep agencies, to see if they might be interested in my work…but I’ll answer to that question later on !

Do you have any desire to write and illustrate your own book?

I prefer to concentrate on illustrations right now, but someday I think I’ll give it a try !

Have you illustrated for magazines and newspapers?

Yes, editorial illustrations is part of my work, and I love it. It’s different from illustrating a book and I love finding strong concepts.

How long does it take you to illustrate a 32 page picture book?

It depends. I work fast most of the time. I like to have more time for the sketches…I’d say maybe around 2 months. But while working on a picture book, I often work at the same time on editorial illustrations, personal work, etc.

Where do you create the magic you produce?

I have a studio in my house. I live in St-Hubert, in the south shore of Montreal.

Do you follow a daily routine?

I try ! I have 3 children, so I have to keep a routine to make sure I’m not late to go get them in kindergarden at the end of the day ! I’m really effective in the morning, so I usually make sketches before dinner, and I’m concentring on doing the illustration itself in the afternoon. I don’t work in the evening unless I really don’t have a choice. It’s important for me to separate my day at work from my ‘’at home’’ time. My children are not allowed to go in my studio, apart from when they want to pick up a ‘’special’’ book (I have a collection of children’s books, and since my children are 4,5 years and 2,5 years-old (X2 !) I don’t allow them to touch my books unless me or my husband are with them !)

What are you working on now?

I’m working on a personal piece and on a children’s book here in Québec, to be published in Fall 2013. And I’m also working on opening an Etsy shop ! It would probably be ready in a month or so. You will be able to buy prints, wishing cards, etc.

Are there any painting tips (materials, etc) you can share that work well for you?

I love to pay a visit to the trift stores. I find so many things for my illustrations ! Old wrapping papers, vintage fabrics, old picture books to get inspired from…

What type of things do you do to get more business?

I have a Facebook fanpage, I try to update my blog regularly, I send e-mails to potential clients, sometimes I send postcards. And I also buy pages in books (Directory of Illustration, Workbook…)

Would you tell us a little bit about the agency that represents you and how you ended up signing with them?

I’m represented by Morgan Gaynin Inc. I work with a group of wonderful ladies ! I they are the best fit for me. They are passionate about their work, hard workers, and they understand me.

About 9 months after finishing school I started looking for an agent. I searched on the internet and books to see which agents would fit with me. I simply sent them an e-mail with my portfolio. Many of them didn’t answer me at all, but 2 of them asked me to contact them again in 6 months, and then maybe we could see what we can do. After about 4-5 months, I received a phone call from Vicki at MGI telling me that they were opening a Children’s art section, and asking me if I wanted to be part of the team. And that’s it. I thought that she was very nice, she listened to my concerns and explained me everything. I was so stressed, because my English wasn’t as good as it is now, but I was very glad to have found a rep !

Can you think of any words of wisdom that might help other illustrators?

I would say that this is not an easy job. You have to believe in yourself, you have to work hard. Even when you don’t have ‘’real’’ jobs, continue to work on your portfolio, give you challenges. Maybe join an illustration club, like Illustration Friday ( to keep you busy.

And stay away from the fridge if you work at home !!!

Thank you Josée for sharing your process and providing more information about yourself with us. You definitely are doing something right with all the success that you made happen in such a short amount of time. We will be looking to see more from you in the future. You can visit Josée at:

I am sure Josée would love to hear from you, so please take a minute to leave her a comment.  Thanks!

Talk tomorrow,



  1. Josée’s work is magnificent and I am thrilled that she created the illustrations that brought BENNO to life.


    • Meg,

      You are right, her work is magnificent. Love the illustrations she created for your book.



  2. Wow! I loved learning more about Josee’s work and history! Thank you for sharing so many fabulous illustrations. I especially love the couple in the rain, the woman in the grass–reading, the child on the moon, and the billboard! And I adored seeing the stages of the three little pigs! And the advice to stay away from the fridge. Sigh. One of the challenges of working at home, for sure. Brava, Kathy and Josee!


    • Laura,

      And it all came from that litte gavatar of you holding up the book cover and me thinking what a nice cover. Hope this post help to spread the word.



  3. Thanks so much for this post! Fell in love with Josée’s work in BookSpeak. Wonderful to learn more about her and how she creates her enchanting illustrations. Love those piggies :).


  4. Positively charming! I can’t imagine the time this takes, but it is so worth it from my perspective. Thanks for posting this and the wonderful interview. Fascinating stuff.


  5. What a joy this was 🙂 I’m glad I allowed myself to take the time to enjoy it today. What original artwork and the patience! There’s definitely a different feel to collage artwork for sure, and I can tell you, the book trailer got me wanting the book 🙂 It’s excellent!

    Josee, your feel for composition and the content you choose to include in the illustrations, along with the way you portray the images, really make the pictures come alive immediately. It’s wonderful 🙂

    And the thing about the fridge? Yeah—I know—but do I heed?! lol

    Thanks, Jolee and Kathy 😀


  6. I just realized I wrote “Jolee” instead of “Josee” and don’t know why! Sorry!


  7. Thank you soooo much Kathy for having me on your blog !

    And thank you all for your comments ! Having feedbacks really helps me to get going with my work, I really appreciate it !

    And Meg and Laura, it was apleasure working with you, and I really hope we’ll have the opportunity to work together again soon ! 🙂


  8. Josée is a friend of mine and I can tell that she is as kind as her illustrations are breathtaking!! Viva Josée!!


    • Hey ! Merci Annick 🙂


  9. What a visual treat! Go Josee!—can’t wait to see more of your work.
    ~your fan and fellow MGI’er,


    • Thanks Susan !


      • P.S. LOVE your glasses frames—tres chic. :0)


  10. Laura sent me over & it was a wonderful post to both see and read about Josee’s process. I will friend her so I can continue to admire & then find out about the Etsy shop. Thank you!


    • Thank you Linda ! The Etsy shop is almost done ! Look out for ”This Cute Little Print Shop” in about 3 days !!!


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