Posted by: Kathy Temean | August 4, 2011

Make Money While Writing That Book


Our focus has broadened to include well-researched, timely and informative articles on finance, unusual photo/story packages, home improvement, humor, transportation, travel, fashion, entertainment, personality profiles, technology, communication with a healthy emphasis on medical breakthroughs, promising new treatments, prevention, and fitness. Publishes content that provides additional perspective on the ever-evolving American scene. In addition to feature-length articles of 1,000 to 2,000 words, the Post buys anecdotes suitable for “Post Scripts,” as well as cartoons, illustrations, and photos.

Payment ranges from $25 for Post Scripts to $400 and up for feature articles.

Our nonfiction needs include how-to, useful articles on gardening, pet care and training, financial planning, and subjects of interest to a 45-plus, family-oriented readership. For nonfiction articles, indicate any special qualifications you have for writing about the subject, especially for technical or scientific material. Include one or two published clips with your query. We generally buy all and/or first serial rights, as well as online rights. We also welcome new fiction. A light, humorous touch is appreciated.

Talk tomorrow,



  1. Wow, a magazine that still accepts fiction! 🙂 I know that several years back I had the notion to submit a short story to a women’s magazine. When I did the research, I found out that the magazines I used to buy no longer published fiction or poetry of any kind. I was truly saddened. It’s nice to hear “The Saturday Evening Post” does!


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