Posted by: Kathy Temean | June 18, 2024

Book Winners – Kudos – Industry Changes

I had to move Wednesday’s KUDO’S Post to today, so come back on Wednesday for Tuesday’s BOOK GIVEWAY. Thank you!


Elyset20 won WOOSHI WITCH GROWS A GARDEN by Yun Dai and Helen Wu

Danielle Hammelef won A TOUR OF THE HUMAN BODY by Jennifer Berne

Marcia Strykowski won 28 DAYS OF NEON by Meira Rosenberg

Winners, please send in your mailing addresses. Thank you!



St. Martin’s is launching a new imprint, Saturday Books, specializing in “new adult” titles for 18-—to 30-year-old readers. The Wednesday Books team, including VP and editorial director Sara Goodman and VP and associate publisher Eileen Rothschild, will lead the imprint. The first titles will debut in fall 2025, with 10-12 planned per year.

The imprint’s identity is described as “commercial and voice-driven fiction with a special focus on fantasy, speculative fiction, romance and genre-adjacent fiction.” Authors on the roster so far include Kristen Ciccarelli, Betty Cayouette, Talia Hibbert, Isabel Ibañez, Julia Jones, Kim Liggett, Elle McNicoll, Stephanie Perkins, and more.



Picture Book Fiction

Allison Wortche’s NIGHT TREASURE, about a father-daughter nighttime walk that celebrates their bond and the magic to be found in the everyday world, illustrated by Alison Farrell, to Nancy Siscoe at Knopf Children’s, for publication in summer 2026, by  for the author, and by Pippin Properties for the illustrator (world).

Picture Book Non-fiction

Rachelle Burk’s A TODDLER’S BOOK OF DO’S AND DON’TS, a book of 50 rhymes to help toddlers feel confident and capable of good habits and life skills, illustrated by Denise Holmes, to Anna Sargeant at Sandra Gehringer at The Bright Agency for the illustrator (world).



KT Literary

Kait Feldmann joins as agent. She previously worked in editorial at Scholastic and Harper Collins.

Laurel Symonds has been promoted to senior agent.

Chelsea Hensley has been promoted to agent.

Talk tomorrow,



  1. Dear Kathy

    I’m excited to be a winner. Thank you!

    Elyse Trevers


    div dir=”ltr”>1626 Nels


  2. Great news! Yay!


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