Posted by: Kathy Temean | June 15, 2016

Erika Wassall, the Jersey Farm Scribe – Farewell for Now

erikaphoto-45 Erika Wassall, the Jersey Farm Scribe here with

A Fond Farewell… for now

It’s with mixed feelings that I announce that I’ll be taking a break from these posts for a while. I will really miss getting the opportunity to share with you all.  It’s been such a blessing, and a constant positive encouragement to my own writing.

But I am due with my first child on June 28th.  (it’s a boy!)

I considered continuing anyway, but decided that I need to take my own advice and keep my expectations realistic.  I would rather take an official leave of absence so to speak, because I believe it will make me come back refreshed and ready to go.  I didn’t want to get in over my head, become frustrated and just end up bailing.

I have a potential internship at a small publishing house lined up in September that I’m extremely excited about. I think the timing will be fantastic and it’ll be nice to have that push to get (at least some of) my mind back on writing at that point.  I am hoping that I will learn a lot in the experience and of course, get to pass what I learn on to all of you.

I intend to keep working on my manuscripts in the next few months. But I’ll be honest that I’m not planning on holding myself to any actual deadlines or set delineations.  To me, goals are meant to be kept.  And I certainly can’t guarantee to myself that I’ll have the mental energy or time to be writing as I adjust to life as a mother.

(oooh, “life as a mother” that’s exciting to say!!!)

Instead, I’m giving myself ten weeks of a free pass. I of course can write when I want to.  But when I don’t, no harm, no foul.  Then at that point, I plan to start carving out time again.  Because I also believe that time is what you make it.  It’s definitely true that if you want to get something done, ask the busiest person you know.

People who are adept at FINDING time for things that are important to them are often more successful, (and happier!). And it’s something I plan not to forget.

So look for me coming back here around the end of August, beginning of September. Hopefully I’ll have exciting updates for you on both sides.  I will of course let Kathy know how the baby is when he comes, and she’s welcome to share that with all of you.  And if I do nail down the internship (which I believe I likely can) I’ll be coming into some new territory that could be a wealth of knowledge and experience!

Until then, I will think of you all often as I read Kathy’s site. Thank you all for all the encouragement and support over the past two years or so.  (Yeah… did you know it’s been over two years since my first post, More Showing Less Telling.  Crazy how time flies.)

And of course, Kathy, thank you for this truly amazing opportunity. You have been such an inspiration in general and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done.  I appreciate the flexibility with this break and look forward to coming back!

When I return I’ll have new perspective with the cries of squeals of our Little Minion in the background as I write to you. Everything in our lives feeds our writing, and I know that he certainly will feed mine.

Keep writing everyone! Because we’re writers and that’s who we are.  Because our characters deserve the lives we give them.  Because of what our writing could someday give to the world.  And of course…

… because your manuscripts are worth it.

Erika Wassall is a writer, a farmer and a liver of life. She is a member of SCBWI and a proud Mad Scientist, bringing science experiments right into children’s classrooms, and hearts. She has a small farm in New Jersey with sheep, chickens, pigs and vegetables. Check out her new website at where as a first generation farmer, she often takes the long way, learning the tricks of the trade on The Farm. On her website is also The Shop page with tips and a free Q/A from her husband’s mechanic shop, and The Writer page where she shares stories, experiences and characters from the heart. Follow her on Twitter at @NJFarmScribe. She’d love to hear from you!

Wishing you so much happiness with your coming new bundle of joy. Please let us know and when you get home from the hospital and send pictures!

Talk tomorrow,





  1. All the best Erika! Enjoy!


  2. Congratulations, Erika! I’ve so enjoyed your posts.


  3. Congratulations Erika! Enjoy!


  4. Congratulations, Erika! You are beginning an exciting chapter in your life.


  5. Congratulations, Erika, and good luck with the your new bundle of love!!


  6. I’ve enjoyed your posts and wish you all the best.


  7. Congrats, Erika! My daughter and her husband (who live 600 miles away – sniff!) are expecting their first baby (a girl) in October, so I relate to your excitement. Looking forward to hearing from you again in late August/early September. My wish is that your writing will gestate along with your baby! 🙂


  8. Congratulations!! And thank you, Erika!!


  9. Thank you for your posts, Erika. Enjoy a new (and very demanding! muse.


  10. Congrats and enjoy some quality time with the baby!


  11. Congratulations Erika! Looking forward to meeting your son!


  12. Congratulations, Erika! Best wishes, much fun and many blessings wished for you.


  13. Thank you all SO much for all the wonderful well-wishes!


  14. All the best, Erika. Have enjoyed your friendly posts.


  15. Erika, you’ve made a wise choice to take a break. Enjoy motherhood. 😊😊


  16. I’ll miss your posts. I’ve enjoyed them for a long time. Good luck on all your exciting new adventures! You will find lots of new inspiration from that little guy. Enjoy.


  17. I don’t comment much on your posts, but always look forward to reading them. Enjoy your this wonderful time in your life. Congratulations!


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